
BlaatSchaap Coding Projects

BlaatBot 2005

BlaatBot 2005

First IRC Bot, summer 2005, kinda messy code, but working.

Supports only one channel
Admin functions, protected by nicknames,(so kinda insecure)
random quotes, (disables by default in current code )
logging, searching in log files (messy dirty code)

Borland Delphi

BlaatBot 2006

BlaatBot 2006

Seccond IRC bot, summer 2006, total rewrite, unfinished.

Multi Channel Support.

Borland Delphi

RavenBlack Chat Client

Alternative RavenBlack Chat Client

RavenBlack Chat Client. To Chat in the Ravenblack chatrooms
( http://www.ravenblack.net )
You need an account at the vampire game to be able to use this chat server,
The site only has a java applet, and this client has some missing feurures,
like timestamps and logging. It's not completeed yet, but usable.

Borland C++

RIFF/WAVE file reading/writing


School project, RIFF read/write code

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